Erica McMillan

Study Shows US Not A Democracy

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Study Concludes US Dominated By Economic Elite

Marquette, MI – In the United States we have the right to vote, we have freedom of speech, we live under the guise of being a society of liberty, justice, and equality for all… however, a new study shows US not a democracy but a government ruled by the few.




A new study conducted by Princeton and Northwestern Universities entitled Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens concludes that we are not a Democracy after all but an Oligarchy.

Let’s define the meaning of an oligarchy by comparing it with the meaning of democracy so we can understand what exactly this means:

A democracy is defined as government by the people (including the common people of a society) in which supreme power is exercised directly by them or their elected officials.  Sounds good, but when was the last time a policy by and in the best interests of the common citizens was actually passed?

An oligarchy is defined as a government where all the power is concentrated in the hands of a few persons/organization or in a dominant class or clique.  As stated by it is, “government by the few.”  Does this sound more familiar? More like what we see around us here in the United States?

This study is revolutionary!  It gives credibility to a reality we live in that is seldom spoken of in our media or educational system.  The researchers investigated nearly 1,800 US administrative policies adopted within 1981-2002.  They then compared these enacted policies with the expressed preferences of average Americans, affluent Americans, and and large special interest groups.  After a peer-reviewed study of the information they concluded that United States policies are dominated by its economic elite.

The study states: ” economic elites and organised groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence.”  and  ” Moreover, because of the strong status quo bias built into the US political system, even when fairly large majorities of Americans favour policy change, they generally do not get it.”

According to the study results the only time the interests of the average American have been served is when it also serves the interests of the richest 10 percent of the population.  This clearly fits into a mold of biased pluralism in which US policies favor the agendas of corporations, businesses, and professional associations.

For example, take the recent controversial Supreme Court decision on the McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commision where the highest court in the nation voted to give the right for wealthy donors to contribute money to unlimited numbers of political campaigns…

I did not write on this subject to cause anyone to give up on the system that doesn’t represent the majority of us.  My intention is to show things as they are, inform others, lift the veil from our eyes so there can be discussions to ignite neccessary change.  If we remain ignorant to what’s happening around us it will only grow more corrupt.  Wake up, educate yourself, speak with others, most important start giving a damn!

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