
Michigan Reports Its First 2015 Case Of Bubonic Plague

Michigan Reports Its First 2015 Case Of Bubonic Plague

A Michigan resident recently contracted Bubonic plague after a visit to Colorado, health authorities confirmed Monday. The case is the first reported this year in the state and the 14th diagnosis nationwide. The life-threatening disease is not native to Michigan and occurs when a person is bitten by an infected flea or rodent with the […]


Plastic deluge threatens world’s sea turtles

Plastic deluge threatens world’s sea turtles

More than half of the world’s sea turtles have ingested plastic or other human debris, according to a new study. The study, led by Dr. Qamar Schuyler from the University of Queensland, found that the east coasts of Australia and North America, Southeast Asia, southern Africa, and Hawaii were particularly dangerous for turtles.…


Interview: Emily Hunter on the Modern Green Movement and How To Change The World

Interview: Emily Hunter on the Modern Green Movement and How To Change The World

How did the green movement start and where is it headed? DeSmog UK previewed the new documentary How To Change The World, which depicts a group of idealistic hippies ready to take on the world. In this long-read we speak with Emily Hunter, environmental activist and daughter of ‘eco-hero’ Robert Hunter, about today’s environmental activism. […]


If we burned all fossil fuels, would any of Antarctica’s ice survive?

If we burned all fossil fuels, would any of Antarctica’s ice survive?

Andy Ridgwell, University of California, Riverside Here is a great “what-if”: if we (the human race) were to burn all available fossil fuels, could we melt the largest and most stable ice sheet on the planet – Antarctica? Could our collective industrial impacts on the planet possibly have that far a reach? The spoiler is: […]


100 Women To Walk 100 Miles To Meet Pope In D.C.

100 Women To Walk 100 Miles To Meet Pope In D.C.

One hundred women who are members of immigration reform activist groups said they plan to walk 100 miles beginning this week to meet Pope Francis when he arrives in Washington, D.C., to hold mass and address government leaders. The women were set to begin their walk Tuesday at an immigration detention center in York, Pennsylvania, […]


Melting in Antarctica to raise sea levels

Melting in Antarctica to raise sea levels

One of the largest ice shelves in Antarctica is under threat, thinning dramatically on both sides, its surface and beneath. The ice shelf is called Larsen C and its two neighbours, Larsen A and B have already collapsed in 1995 and 2002. A study by the British Antarctic Survey has found that the ice shelf […]


‘War is the industry of death!’ Pope Francis tells children

‘War is the industry of death!’ Pope Francis tells children

Peace: how to build it and how to maintain it. That was the focus of a special audience with Pope Francis. Some 7,000 children of several nationalities gathered to listen to the Pontiff’‘s address at Paul VI Hall in Vatican City. A number of them introduced themselves to the Pope in Italian. During the course […]


Exposed! Walmart Bottled Water Comes from Sacramento Municipal Supply

Exposed! Walmart Bottled Water Comes from Sacramento Municipal Supply

Exposed! Walmart Bottled Water Comes from Sacramento Municipal Supply WalMart is facing questions tonight after CBS13 learns the company draws its bottled water from a Sacramento water district during California’s drought. According to the label, the water comes from the Sacramento Municipal Water Supply. This comes on the heels of Starbucks opting to move sourcing […]


Sea rise threatens Florida coast, but no statewide plan

Sea rise threatens Florida coast, but no statewide plan

  ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. (AP) – America’s oldest city is slowly drowning. St. Augustine’s centuries-old Spanish fortress sits feet from the encroaching Atlantic, whose waters already flood the city’s narrow streets about 10 times a year – a problem worsening as sea levels rise. The city relies on tourism, but visitors might someday have to […]


Drought Puts Brazil’s Largest City On The Brink

Drought Puts Brazil’s Largest City On The Brink

Instead of rain, São Paulo has cracked earth and chaos as a devastating drought is making enemies out of neighbors in Brazil’s largest city, the site of a historic water shortage the likes of which hasn’t been seen in decades. Many residents have gone to drastic measures to hoard the precious commodity in the face […]