
Breastfeeding Awareness and American Culture

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by Erica McMillan for Marquette Magazine

Education and support a must to build breastfeeding awareness in our communities!

Many people have heard that breastfeeding is good for their babies, but in reality it is so much more than that!  Breastfeeding is the first step in establishing a healthy immune system and a strong immune system is the foundation for good health throughout our lives.


Unfortunately, breastfeeding was discouraged in our American culture for the past 2-3 generations by misinformation and societal pressures initiated by profit mongering formula companies.  This has caused  the art of breastfeeding to cease from being passed down from mother to daughter.  Many people in our mainstream society have never seen a woman breastfeeding and are even offended by the act of a woman feeding her infant at the breast especially (gasp) in public.  Outrageous! Breastmilk is the food of life that has sustained our species from the beginning and the act of feeding one’s child is not only a holy experience but also the very best food, designed by nature, for their health.

Because the art of breastfeeding was not shared throughout the population for the past few generations many mothers lack the information they need to breastfeed successfully and quit due to small issues that can be easily fixed or even worse, don’t try at all.  Most problems that come up can be fixed with some basic understanding of how milk production works and simple positioning of the baby on the breast.  This is why breastfeeding awareness is so important!

There is a growing movement happening to “normalize” breastfeeding again in our society with education on the many health and emotional benefits.  Part of this process is to get out and breastfeed in public so people start to see it a normal activity and learn to not feel offended by it.  This may sound ridiculous to some but women are asked to leave public places all the time for breastfeeding their babies! In fact many states and cities are creating legislature to protect the rights of mothers and their babies to feed normally. ( An adult may be able to wait till they get home but this thinking doesn’t work for babies).

A mother who understands the basics of breastfeeding, has the support of her partner, and knows where to find help if problems arise is on her way to a healthy and happy breastfeeding experience with her baby!  Most communities have resources that promote, support, and educate mothers on breastfeeding.  Check with your local area for breastfeeding counselors & consultants, they are experts in educating and problem solving when complications present themselves.  WIC programs provide breastfeeding education and support for free for qualifying participants. More and more hospitals have trained nurses who can help initiate breastfeeding immediately after delivery (the very best time) and have resources for breast pump rentals.  Midwives and doulas are knowledgable in breastfeeding and can educate before birth and initiate after delivery as well as make home visits afterwards.

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