Erica McMillan

Gift Giving For the Holidays With a Conscience

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Every year I become more aware of the dark side of the mainstream American holiday gift giving traditions. Mainly by the incredible amounts of unnecessary waste that are generated by packaging and gift wrapping. But why would manufacturers change their wasteful ways unless consumers demand it?  The only way to enact change from the suppliers of the products we are seeking is with our consumer power $$$.timthumb

We must make conscious choices about where to spend our money (which they keep very close track of) and once the data shows what’s important to shoppers they will respond.

Here are a few suggestions for those who would like to make positive changes to their holiday gift giving practices…

1. If you can make something from the heart instead of buying.  One of my favorite gifts to give and receive are personalized cd music mixes (like the old mixed tapes of the past).  Sharing music feeds the soul and turns friends on to new music. It also doesn’t take much time as one compilation can be given to many people and it’s fun to do!

2. If you are buying a gift try to find things that aren’t presented with more packaging materials than product. Try second hand stores and pawn shops for great deals on gently used objects and clothing (you can find some real treasures in these places).  Many cities have boutiques popping up that make completely new and unique fashions from recycled clothing.

3. Look for things made from wood, cloth, and metal materials instead of plastic, beauty products made without petrochemicals, and clothing not made from natural fibers instead of synthetic fabrics.  It’s also a bonus if it’s made in the U.P. 😉

4. Wrap your gifts in reusable fabrics instead of wrapping paper that overflows trash cans and land fills after the holidays! You can buy pre-made cloth wraps online or in many stores. You can also make your own by using decorative fabrics you have at home like cloth napkins, handkerchiefs, sarongs, or cut up sheets etc.  Tie with cloth or velvet ribbons and safety pins to secure wrapping in place.  You will feel so good to save all the waste from filling the trash!

5.  Recycle holiday packaging.  Take the time to sort recyclable materials from gifts received like cardboard and plastic.  Bubble wraps and packaging peanuts can often be brought to shipping stores to be reused.

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