Geoff Walker

Tips For Record Care and Storage

Tips For Record Care and Storage

GEOFF WALKER SHARES SOME ADVICE FOR ENSURING YOUR VINYL COLLECTION OUTLASTS YOU! So now that you have all these bright, shiny records, you might be wondering, “How the heck do I take care of them?”  Thankfully, the answer is not as complicated as you may think!  I’m going to go over a few things that […]

 Geoff Walker

Record Shopping On The Road: Michigan’s I-75 Corridor

Record Shopping On The Road: Michigan’s I-75 Corridor

A GUIDE OF THE BEST PLACES TO BUY VINYL OFF 1-75 FROM DETROIT TO MARQUETTE For those who have already made the logical and soul-satisfying decision to spend their cash on vinyl records, the next question is often “Where?” “Where can I go to get my LP fix?” The first obvious answer is to patronize your […]

 Geoff Walker

Who Killed The Vinyl LP?

Who Killed The Vinyl LP?

Where did lp's disappear and what's spurring the comeback of vinyl

In the 1980’s, the major label record industry foisted a fallacy on us, the record buying public. We were told, among other things, that CDs would never degrade, that they were difficult to damage, and that the price of the CD, which was double that of the LP, would come down to meet that of […]