
 Kaitlyn Richmond

Kill a Wolf, Kill a Culture

Kill a Wolf, Kill a Culture

Rights of the Ojibwe People Violated in Michigan Wolf Hunt The issue of holding a wolf hunt in Michigan continues to cause heated debate among some Michigan residents, yet many residents do not recognize or understand the grave consequences that this decision holds. The question of a wolf hunt is not simply a matter of […]

 Mike Plourde

THEY ALMOST GOT YOU…and they may still yet

THEY ALMOST GOT YOU…and they may still yet

They are close. Close to having everything you own. Including that thing you need most. Your personal power.

MARQUETTE, Mich. – They almost got you…and they may still yet! So…who are “they”? “They” are the criminal executives of the largest corporations in America and the politicians who lackey to them.  They run the corporations such as the largest drug companies, the largest technology companies, and the big oil companies, among others. Other large […]

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