
 Rachel Mills

Vagabond Kitchen: Gus

Vagabond Kitchen: Gus

8-3-15 My written updates from the Vagabond Kitchen — essays and recipes detailed and recorded—have been sporadic. I’ve paced around my notebooks, taking food pictures and writing down ingredients. I’ve finished an 800+ page novel and begun another lengthy fictional diversion. This is the essay I’ve been avoiding—the aching loss spilled in ink, then typed […]


Plastic deluge threatens world’s sea turtles

Plastic deluge threatens world’s sea turtles

More than half of the world’s sea turtles have ingested plastic or other human debris, according to a new study. The study, led by Dr. Qamar Schuyler from the University of Queensland, found that the east coasts of Australia and North America, Southeast Asia, southern Africa, and Hawaii were particularly dangerous for turtles.…


Interview: Emily Hunter on the Modern Green Movement and How To Change The World

Interview: Emily Hunter on the Modern Green Movement and How To Change The World

How did the green movement start and where is it headed? DeSmog UK previewed the new documentary How To Change The World, which depicts a group of idealistic hippies ready to take on the world. In this long-read we speak with Emily Hunter, environmental activist and daughter of ‘eco-hero’ Robert Hunter, about today’s environmental activism. […]

 Rachel Mills

The Vagabond Kitchen: Sleep, Bread, and Brie

The Vagabond Kitchen: Sleep, Bread, and Brie

6-24-15 Being a vagabond means sleeping in many places: guest bedrooms, deep woods, decrepit farmhouses. Means plastic bags of dirty clothes. Toilet paper rolls on the dashboard. Damp, bundled tents in the back seat. Vagabonding means sleeping in many different beds: the rental house, down blankets on the hardwood floor because the bed was in […]

 Brian Cabell

STRAIGHTtalk: With Vicky Crystal

STRAIGHTtalk: With Vicky Crystal

 Brian Cabell sits down with Vicky Crystal, TV6’s relentlessly upbeat morning personality, to discover the real person: who never really had a father, who’s concerned about her looks, who’s struggled with financial problems, who’d like to find a mate. But deep down, she’s a bright, shining spirit. BC: Vicky Crystal…That’s not your real name, is […]

 Erica McMillan

In The Kitchen With Austin Fure of The Marq

In The Kitchen With Austin Fure of The Marq

Austin Fure is the young and talented head chef and partial owner of Marquette’s Farm To Table restaurant, The Marq. Spending 12-14 hours daily sourcing, preparing, and serving the best ingredients our area has to offer, each bite of his food is soulful morsel. The dishes you find at the Marq are a reflection of […]

 Josh McLaughlin

Protecting the Great Lakes

Protecting the Great Lakes

The Great Lakes have always been a source of pride to the states that border them. But this raises a very good question: why are so few people willing to come to their defense? Earlier this year, local blog “Word on the Street” posted an April Fools article about making a deal to pipe water […]

 David Aho

I Remember When Our Family Got Our First Dog…

I Remember When Our Family Got Our First Dog…

I remember when our family got our first dog. I was hiding behind the water heater during spring break when my kids accosted me. They were looking for Daddy to ask if they could please get one of those darling little German Shepherd puppies So-and-so was selling. We’d gone down this trail before and all […]

 Marquette Home Brewers

Brewing Sour Beers: A Kettle Souring Primer

Brewing Sour Beers: A Kettle Souring Primer

by Todd Stephens | Brewing sour beers has always been a challenge due to the potential of contaminating one’s brewing equipment with the microbes used to sour wort. Many brewers dedicate separate equipment for fermenting, transferring, bottling, or kegging clean and sour beers, which can get expensive and take up a lot of space. Although […]

 Keith Glendon

Marquette Trail Running: Fun In The Forest

Marquette Trail Running: Fun In The Forest

Summer trail running series bringing folks together for fun in the forest!

Marquette’s gotten a lot of recent press and notoriety for its ever-expanding network of trails. At the center of the limelight tends to be beer-drinking, bearded guys on bikes. Quietly though, a different group make their way through the forest with an ancient camaraderie and connection; trail runners. Along a dirt road south of town […]