Josh McLaughlin

Protecting the Great Lakes

Protecting the Great Lakes

The Great Lakes have always been a source of pride to the states that border them. But this raises a very good question: why are so few people willing to come to their defense? Earlier this year, local blog “Word on the Street” posted an April Fools article about making a deal to pipe water […]


Huge Increases in Wastewater Threaten Escanaba River

Huge Increases in Wastewater Threaten Escanaba River

Citizens Speak Out Against Permit That Will Allow For More Wastewater Dumping By The Humboldt Mill and Lowering of Water Quality in Escanaba River.

“It is profitable to let the world go to hell… the tyranny of the short term will prevail over the decades to come.”  – Jørgen Randers There’s a battle brewing behind the scenes here in the Upper Peninsula, threatening wild rivers, fish habitat, our ‘pure’ Michigan water supply and ultimately, the health of our communities. […]


Digging For Truth On The Yellow Dog Plains

Digging For Truth On The Yellow Dog Plains

An update from the recent public hearing on sulfide mining permit changes contains excerpts from original article by Mindy Otto for the YDWP A recent public hearing was held by the MDEQ to give voice to concerned community members in regards to the draft for a new Groundwater Discharge Permit for the Eagle sulfide mine […]


Lack of Enforcement by MDEQ Puts Local Watershed at Risk

Lack of Enforcement by MDEQ Puts Local Watershed at Risk

PUBLIC HEARING ON THE NEW DRAFT GROUNDWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT FOR EAGLE MINE TUESDAY 3-24-14 March 24, 2014 · by Mindy Otto · courtesy of the Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve Eagle Mine is required to revise their permits every five years which are intended to regulate potential sources of pollution. YDWP has found the new draft to be inadequate for […]